Affiliate Partnership
Sisters, Womb Bearers, Maidens, & Mothers...
I am so pleased to be welcoming AFFILIATE PARTNERS into the Qumi community!
For these partnerships I am specifically choosing to work with WOMEN.
Further elevating the Feminine into wealth by contributing to communities of support and reciprocity between women.
It's NOT multi-level marketing i.e. pyramid schemes! Affiliate Partnerships are an ancient and collaborative form of marketing. An Affiliate Partner acts as a bridge between their own following and products/offerings they believe in. An Affiliate has benefited from someones work so they share it with their community. This brings new clients to the person offering this work, benefiting and supporting them. This also benefits the new clients who are introduced to a product/offering they were not previously aware of. How does this benefit the Affiliate? They receive a commission on every new client! Becoming an Affiliate Partner requires NO money/investment on your part. What you offer is heartfelt and authentic promotion of work that you deeply believe in and truly want to share with others.
No manipulative marketing. No forceful selling. No deceptive sales tactics.
Affiliate Partnership is based on honesty, authenticity, and a true desire to support and elevate one another and there is nothing that excites me more than sharing the wealth with my fellow Sisters! Affiliate Partnership is centered on community and collaboration, neutralizing the competitive and aggressive aspects of marketing and sisterhood. My intention with Affiliate Partnerships is based on a Matriarchal approach to abundance. This means abundance for the Community and the Earth, in contrast to a patriarchal approach which centers on individual growth and competition.
I am specifically looking for Affiliate Partners to share and promote my online courses! This includes both self-paced video courses that can be bought and completed at any time AND scheduled LIVE courses that feature group zoom calls. Each Affiliate will receive a code (their name) which will give their following $10 off of any course price. The coupon codes will allow me to keep track of how many commissions are earned by each Affiliate. You will receive a 45% commission on every client that uses your code and can expect payouts every 2 weeks.
How you choose to share and promote these courses is up to you. This can be a post or shared stories on your instagram or other social media profiles, or it could be something you include in a newsletter.
If any of this resonates and you feel called to become an Affiliate Partner, or if you have any questions regarding this topic, you can reach out to me in the contact form below.
Infinite Blessings,